AOAC Official Method 932.20 Calcium Gluconate in Drugs Colorimetric Method
First Action 1932
Final Action
(Applicable to preparations whose aqueous solutions are neutral and which do not contain salts of other optically active hydroxy acids.
The optical rotation of calcium gluconate is enhanced with the addtion of uranyl acitate solution.) Weigh two 0.5 g portions calcium gluconate or two 1 g portions powdered tablets containing £50% of the salt. If chocolate or fatty base is present, wash test samples several times on hardened filter with absolute ether, then warm residue until ether is driven off. Transfer each portion to separate 25 mL volumetric flasks, add 15 mL H2O, and warm until calcium salt dissolves. (Test samples containing cocoa will have undissolved residue.) Cool mixture to room temperature.